Changelog (Stable release)
Release 4.0 :
- Integration of OpenNMS 1.10.8
- Integration of PostgreSQL 9.1.8
- Integration of CentOS 6.4 and his updates
Release 3.0 :
- Integration of OpenNMS 1.8.5
- Integration of PostgreSQL 8.4.5
- Integration of CentOS 5.5 and his updates
- Changing Nagios alarms in OpenNMS to use Obsessive Compulsive Service Processor Command in Nagios instead of notifications
- Move the configuration functions from the kickstart files to the ose packages in order to improve yum repository capabilities.
- Change architecture of packages to noarch to be able to install ose on any architecture
Release 2.1 :
- Integration of CentOS updates
- Integration of packages ntp and sysstat
- Resetting the root password for standalone-auto installation
- Change disk partitioning for standalone-auto installation (delete LVM)
- Integration of pata_sil680 kernel module in order to accept CD-ROM use with installation from Dell DRAC card.
- Establishment of a yum repository
- Add a script to test that equipment sent out their alarms to the OpenNMS servers (ose-check-monitored
- Consideration of the flapping services in Nagios (With the Nagios patch ose-nagios.patch)
- Add the repository rpmforge
Release 2.0 :
- Integration of OpenNMS 1.6.8
- Integration of CentOS 5.4
- Integration of CentOS upgrades
- Integration of mib2opennms 0.3: a utility to translate MIB files to OpenNMS XML configuration
- ose-init-opennms 2.0: a script to configure OpenNMS automatically on startup. This currently uses ose-admin-tools
- Integration of ose-config-opennms 1.0 which contains :
- The OpenNMS configuration files to traduce alarms send by Nagios with ose-nagios-to-opennms
- The OpenNMS configuration files to traduce alarms providing from backup script of OSE
- ose-admin-tools 1.0 which contains :
- A script to configure OpenNMS more easily
- A script to configure PostgreSQL more easily
- A script to optimize PostgreSQL
- A script to backup data of OpenNMS (configuration files, database and data files)
- A script to restore data of OpenNMS
- New look
Release 1.2 :
- Integration of OpenNMS 1.6.7
Release 1.1 :
- Integration of OpenNMS 1.6.6
Release 1.0 :
- First public version
- Integration of OpenNMS 1.6.5
- Uses CentOS 5.3
OSE (OpenNMS Sans Effort) is an Open Source distribution built and maintained by Samuel Mutel, monitoring engineer since 2005.