Installing OpenNMS and PostgreSQL on two different servers

Installing the PostgreSQL database and the OpenNMS management platform on two different servers allows you to spread the load.


1. Installation of the PostgreSQL server

2. Configuring PostgreSQL

2.1 Changing the administrator password

2.2 Optimization of the database

2.3 Authorizing the OpenNMS server to connect

2.4 Restarting PostgreSQL

3. Installation of the OpenNMS server

4. Configuring OpenNMS

4.1 Configuration

4.2 Startup

5. First connection to OpenNMS



1. Installation of the PostgreSQL server

Download a version of OSE from the Download page.

Use your preferred burning utility to burn the DVD ISO just downloaded.


Insert the DVD in your drive and boot the computer from the DVD-ROM drive.

The following screen appears:



Type postgresql and hit Enter.


Next, follow the procedure for installation described in Installation in standalone mode.



2. Configuring PostgreSQL

2.1 Changing the administrator password

To change the administrator password, type the following command:



Change the string "un_bon_mot_de_passe" to a password of your choice.


2.2 Optimization of the database

To optimize the database (as described on the official OpenNMS site), type the following command:



2.3 Authorizing the OpenNMS server to connect

To authorize connections from the OpenNMS server to the database, type the following command:



Replace the string with the IP address of the OpenNMS server followed by the mask.


2.4 Restarting PostgreSQL


To restart PostgreSQL, type the following command:




3. Installation of the OpenNMS server

Download a version of OSE from the Download page.

Use your preferred burning utility to burn the DVD ISO just downloaded.


Insert the DVD in your drive and boot the computer from the DVD-ROM drive.

The following screen appears:



Type opennms and press Enter.


Now follow the procedure for installation described in Installation in standalone mode.



4. Configuring OpenNMS

4.1 Configuration

To configure OpenNMS, type the following command:



Provide the IP address of the PostgreSQL server on the command line. Next type the database administrator password twice (outlined in red) and choose a password for the OpenNMS database and type it twice (outlined in blue).


4.2 Startup

To start OpenNMS, type the following command:



5. First connection to OpenNMS

Launch your preferred web browser and type the following URL: http://<IP address of the OpenNMS server>:8980/opennms. The OpenNMS login screen appears:



By default the login is admin and the password is admin. You are now connected to the OpenNMS interface:





OSE (OpenNMS Sans Effort) is an Open Source distribution built and maintained by Samuel Mutel, monitoring engineer since 2005.

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