Backup and restore

1. Backup

2. Restore

3. Planning


1. Backup

The script is a perl script that is in charge of the backup of the following elements:


  • The configuration files of OpenNMS (/opt/opennms/etc by default)
  • The database of OpenNMS
  • The data of OpenNMS (/opt/opennms/share by default)
  • The data of OpenNMS (/opt/opennms/share by default) and the database
  • The configuration files of OpenNMS (/opt/opennms/etc by default), the data of OpenNMS (/opt/opennms/share by default) and the database


The saved data are compressed in a tar.gz archive and moved in the directory /backup.


The name of the archive is backup_<kind of backup>_<date>_<time>.tar.gz.


For more details on the script, type in a terminal --help.



2. Restore

The script is a script that is charge of the restore of the following elements:


For more details on the script, type in a terminal --help.



3. Planning

The crontab of user root is used to make backup regularly.


By default the following actions are executed:


  • Backup data and database of OpenNMS every day at 1h00 AM
  • Backup of configuration files of OpenNMS every sunday at 2h00 AM
  • A deletion of backups aged than more 7 days every day at 3h00 AM




OSE (OpenNMS Sans Effort) is an Open Source distribution built and maintained by Samuel Mutel, monitoring engineer since 2005.

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